Christian Outreach Center Church was founded in Fort Worth, Texas in 1978 by Pastor Johnny R. King and his wife Pastor Rose M. King. We would love for you to come and fellowship with us.

G.L.O.W. Nursery
Nursery ( 3mos to 5y )G.L.O.W., Give Little Ones Wisdom, the C.O.C. nursery was established to honor Jesus by teaching and training children at an early age to become followers of Christ. The foundation Scripture for this ministry is
Train a child in the way he should go and he will never depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6, NIV
While their parents are in service, children from infancy to age 5 are nurtured and trained in the nursery by our nursery staff. All of our nursery workers operate in love, integrity and obedience, and they demonstrate Godly characteristics in performing their jobs. The children participate in many different activities each week including: Praise and Worship, Memory Verses, Bible Trivia, and “Make it and Take it” projects, which are works of art that the children create and take home. “Happy Birthday, Jesus” parties are one of the most anticipated activities in this department. Parents get involved by assisting children in selecting practical and useful gifts, like diapers, wipes, crayons, books and toys which are used throughout the year in the nursery.
We try to use our imagination along with the direction of the Holy Spirit in our ministry. Every 3-5 minutes the activities are changed to maintain the children’s interest. Different activities such as floor games, coloring, puzzles and occasionally a little outdoor exploring are rotated. Each year we look forward to the children’s participation in the Resurrection Extravaganza and the Christmas Play. These productions are truly amazing! The Summer Vacation Bible School is also a big hit. It includes the 3-5 year olds and is Bible-based. The kids love learning and receiving all the goodies that are provided for them there.

A.R.K. (Abundantly Righteous Kids)
Children ( 6y - 12y )Jesus permitted the “little children” to come unto Him after the disciples told them to leave Him alone.
Matthew 19:14
Our children are very precious to God and He wants them to know Him just as much as He wants adults to know Him. And, fortunately, it’s never too early for our children to get to know their Heavenly Father and come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
C.O.C.’s six to twelve year old ministry, better known as Abundantly Righteous Kids or A.R.K. is based on the belief that children of this age are very capable of learning about the things of God without the message being “watered down.” Our children are taught the same messages that our Pastor is teaching the adults. Our curriculum, approved by the Pastor, teaches the children the unadulterated Word of God in terms that are applicable and relevant to their lives.
On a weekly basis, A.R.K. students learn about such Godly principles as salvation, faith, prayer, healing and the Holy Spirit. Before each lesson begins, they are given the opportunity to express praise and worship to God through song. Praise and worship is an important element in a believer’s life and the A.R.K. students are encouraged to glorify God with all of their hearts.
When the A.R.K. kids aren’t busy studying God’s Word in class, they have a myriad of ongoing and seasonal activities that they participate in throughout the year; Summer Vacation Bible School, the A.R.K. dancers.
The A.R.K. leaders have created a fun tool to help them accomplish this goal – “Manna Market Bucks.” Manna Market Bucks are A.R.K. currency that the students earn throughout the year for things like church attendance, knowing memory verses, getting good grades on report cards and inviting their friends to church. The Manna Market Bucks are then redeemed for prizes in the “Manna Market.” This incentive program really helps keep the kids interested in and excited about getting involved in their church.

R.I.O.T. Teen Ministry
Teens ( 13y - 19y )The purpose of R.I.O.T. (Righteously Inspired Overcoming Teens), the C.O.C. Teen Ministry is to develop youths ages 13-19, into healthy individuals (spirit, soul, and body), whose first love is Jesus Christ. The R.I.O.T. leaders work diligently to expose teens to the truth of the Bible, and to help them see who they are in Christ.
We want young people to be excited about loving Jesus and His Word; ‘living life loud’ for Jesus Christ.
The Scripture that represents R.I.O.T so well is 1Timothy 4:12. ‘Let no one despise or think less of you because of your youth, but be an example (pattern) for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity’ (AMP.)
It is important that we minister to our teens in a way that achieves balance in their lives, so we participate in many exciting events throughout the year. Every year the teens travel to Houston, TX for Spiritual Encounter at New Light Christian Center Church. Each time they go, they come back inspired and refreshed having renewed their commitment to follow Christ.
The teens perform street ministry in and around the city. This helps them apply what they are learning every week in real life situations. The teens have their own room in C.O.C.’s Youth Building outfitted with all the latest video, audio and game equipment. They watch movies, listen to music together and even get to play instruments.
R.I.O.T. is open to ALL teens who want to come and fellowship with our teens. The spiritual development, support and encouragement they will receive from their peers and the R.I.O.T. staff will be invaluable to them during these often challenging years of their lives…. But through Christ ALL things are possible!

Sacred Singles
The purpose and function of the C.O.C. Sacred Singles ministry is to help provide a balance for singles, showing them how the Holy Spirit is a helper in their time of need, to equip them to be confident and to handle challenges, to provide tips on godly dating, and to provide singles with spiritual enrichment. As a single person, whether never married, married then divorced, or married and now widowed, we make choices to remain single or to wait patiently for a godly mate. In any case, singles have more time and the freedom to develop their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
SACRED means set apart which is so appropriate for single men and women. Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” This verse speaks about putting your priorities in proper order. God is your first love and you want to please Him. When Christians have established order – God first, family second, church third and career fourth – then, wonderful things begin to happen.
Oh and don’t forget the fabulous food at our gatherings…mmm. The single’s ministry has loads of activities and events that take place throughout the year, including cooperate prayer times, singles conferences. The singles also enjoy routine group outings to restaurants, movies, bowling and plays. From time to time, we have guest speakers who come in and teach the Word of God. We receive practical directions to singles for daily living. All these activities assist singles in building healthy relationships and living a life that glorifies God.

Mighty Men Of Valor
Iron Sharpen's IronC.O.C.’s Mighty Men of Valor is the Men’s Fellowship of Christian Outreach Center. The purpose of the ministry is to facilitate the spiritual growth of each man in C.O.C. and cultivate interpersonal relationships among the men which are so important to their growth – individually and collectively. We encourage men to recognize that God has chosen them to be the heads of their households, whether they are married or single.
In our times of fellowship the men are taught on topics such as finances, faithfulness to their wives and families, and integrity that help develop godly character. Outside of the planned meetings, the Mighty Men of Valor endeavor to develop relationships with each other by connecting with other men that have similar interests (sports, automobiles, etc.)
The men are bonded together through prayer and Scripture. With every man in his place, doing his part, the body of Christ will grow and become strong.
From time to time, the Mighty Men of Valor go out to breakfast or fishing, sport events to fellowship and enjoy each other’s company. We have attended the men’s conference in Houston at New Light Christian Center Church. It is always an awesome bonding and learning experience We feel the main purpose of being a part of this dynamic and growing group of “Mighty Men of Valor” is to serve the Lord, our families, our Pastors, and our Church.

Ladies Of Love
The Ladies Fellowship provides a time and place of refuge for women to escape the demands of the fast paced world that they live in. When they meet, they are able to knit themselves together with other women who love God, or who want to learn how to love God. These lovely ladies meet to re-energize themselves so that they can gain balance in their relationship with God, managing their family, serving in the church and working to provide for their household.
The Ladies of Love leadership plan exciting, enriching fellowships. These meetings provide a time for the ladies to enhance their relationship with God through powerful Bible teaching. This is also a place where the ladies share testimonies and praise reports, and enjoy fun activities. The meetings are usually held at Christian Outreach Center, but on occasion, the ladies may meet at a member’s home or at the location of the planned activity. Some of the activity highlights for the Ladies Fellowship include the Women’s Conference, the Health & Community Fair, and Empowerment Sessions for young ladies.

Marriage Connection
The purpose of The Marriage Connection, the C.O.C. Married Couples Fellowship, is to strengthen the marriage relationship between husband and wife and to provide an environment for growth and learning from other couples. The fellowship contributes to the spiritual growth of our couples by providing an open environment for sharing and learning. This group seeks to lay a foundation by teaching and observing biblical examples and practical applications.
The time that the couples spend together gives them the opportunity to ask questions and have discussions. The couples are able to have conversations that oftentimes answer questions that they’ve had and either never thought to ask or were uncomfortable in asking. By attending fellowship meetings, friendships and trust develop between the couples.
A Scripture that is meaningful to The Marriage Connection couples is Habakkuk 2:2, which says, “And the Lord answered me and said, ‘Write the vision and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that reads it.’” (NKJV) One of the married couples’ leaders explained that for a marriage to be successful, each person needs to have the same vision for the marriage, and work towards the same goals. Both people should work towards the same goals, even if their approaches are different.
Each gathering of The Marriage Connection is different. Some of the fun activities that the couples participate in are candlelight dinners, readings of original poetry that the husbands write for their wives, a Valentine’s Day dinner and dance, movie night, game night and trips to the theater. In addition to all of the fun activities, there is also time for ministry and teaching. The ministry and teaching sessions include topics on finances, communication and intimacy in marriage. The Married Couples Fellowship is aimed at strengthening the marriage relationship and ministering to the whole person – Spirit, Soul and Body. We want to teach couples how to have marriage God’s way. Join the Marriage Connection Today!

P.R.P. (People Reaching People)
One of the visions of our late Pastor and Founder, Johnny R. King and his wife, our Senior Pastor, Rose M. King is that the C.O.C. Church Family reaches out to one another with the love of Christ, developing unity, harmony and agreement within the church. In 1997, that vision came to pass with the establishment of People Reaching People (P.R.P.)
P.R.P. is for everyone, from teens to seniors. The groups consist of members from every age group.
The main goal of P.R.P. is to be an effective in-reach ministry where the members assist the Pastors in ministering to each others’ needs, spirit, soul, body, emotionally, and socially – “People Reaching People.” This is accomplished through phone calls, visiting and preparing meals for the sick and shut-in, sending cards of sympathy or encouragement when needed, and personally ministering to people who have had a death in their family. Additionally, the P.R.P. groups follow-up with new and inactive members to encourage them to be involved and ensure their needs for a church are being met.
No group would be complete without Fellowship, Food & Fun! The P.R.P. groups meet periodically at C.O.C. and participate in “get to know you games,” spiritual and personal enrichment sessions. In addition, each group has fellowships outside of the church; everything from pizza parties, bowling and roller skating to outings at the movies.
Pastor Rose emphasizes the principle of “T.E.A.M.” – Together Everyone Accomplishes More. If you want to experience a church family praying for one another, worshipping together, loving one another and enjoying one another’s company, you can always count on People Reaching People. “And all who believed (who adhered to and trusted in and relied on Jesus Christ) were united and (together) they had everything in common.” (Acts 2:44, AMP)

Senior Citizens Ministry
Senior Adults Living Triumphantly (SALT)You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.
Matthew 5:13 – New Living Translation
The Purpose of SALT:
- To add value and encouragement to C.O.C. Senior Citizens and Senior Citizens in the community.
- To provide an arena for fun and fellowship and other activities.
- To provide wisdom, mentorship, and help to our families and this generation.
- To adopt other Senior Citizens.
- To pray for our City, the School Systems, our President and the Nations.

Young Adult Ministry (YAM)
The Young Adult Ministry at Christian Outreach Center represents the future of our church. We are building strong individuals, spiritually and mentally, to face the challenges of the world we live in today and to prepare you for tomorrow. We do so by meeting you exactly where you are in your walk with Christ. Whether you are new to church, new on your journey into adulthood, or want to deepen your relationship with God, we are here to fellowship and support. When you attend a YAM service, prepare for church…unfiltered.